Telegram's latest update adds message reactions and in-app translation

 Scrambled informing application Telegram has begun carrying out its most recent update for its iPhone just as iPad application with a few new highlights, including message responses, interpretation, stowed away message and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Clients would now be able to twofold tap on a message bubble and a little thumbs-up emoticon will show up at the lower part of that message. A client can change the emoticon for this speedy response in the application under Settings > Stickers and Emoji > Quick Reaction. For additional responses, tap and hang on a message bubble.

Wire is likewise carrying out help for "Spoiler Alert" messages that haze out chosen bits of message until a client taps on the choice.

Presently one can make an interpretation of any message into another dialect, solidly in the application. Empowering Translation in Settings > Language adds a committed Translate button to the setting menu while choosing a message. One can likewise prohibit any dialects you talk fluidly - which will stow away the interpret button for those messages.

Interpretation is accessible on all Android gadgets that help Telegram, however requires iOS 15+ on Apple gadgets. The rundown of accessible dialects relies upon the client's telephone's working framework.

One more new component is the capacity to create themed QR codes for any clients that have a public username, just as for gatherings, channels, and bots.

Tap the new QR code symbol close to the username of an individual (or from a visit's information page), pick the shadings and example that fit best, then, at that point, print, post or offer your QR code to other applications.


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